Towbar Needed!
Hitchhiking with a caravan along dreams and boundaries
Excuse me, do you have a tow bar?
Hitchhiking with a caravan, but without a car, Tjerk travels through Europe. From Utrecht to Istanbul. After every lift, he has to look for a car with a tow bar and a willing driver who is willing to tow him a little further towards Turkey. His travel buddies: dachshund Dachs and writer/journalist Peter Bijl.
After almost 3 months and crossing 8 countries, 53 drivers landed them in the Turkish metropolis.
You need others to keep you going
The theatre program is a combination of story telling, songs and filmfootage. An adventurous experience in which Tjerk and his band takes you on a journey based on universal themes such as origins, dreams, decisiveness, loneliness, hospitality, prejudices and trust.
The travel story shows the possibilities of new connections and makes visible what can happen if people dare to open themselves up to the unknown. Towbar Needed! stimulates, inspires, is about thinking outside the box and shows that much more is possible than you think. An adventure that will open your eyes!
'Tow bar Needed! had its (international) premiere at the World Expo in Shanghai and was subsequently seen at the Parade theatre festival, Noorderzon, Crossing Border and Lowlands festival.
'Spring dan, spring dan,
het zal je redding zijn
Durf dan, doe dan
houd niet vast aan de pijn
Spring dan, durf dan, want spring
het zal je redding zijn'
From the song Spring

Discover the whole story with the book Towbar Wanted!

Travel with us, come to a performance!